UCLA Health 200 Medical Plaza

Westwood Ambulatory Surgery Center

200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 660
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Welcome to the UCLA Health Outpatient Surgery Center in Westwood. We offer world-class outpatient surgery and procedures, with outstanding customer service. Book an appointment today, and see for yourself what makes UCLA Health one of the most dependable names in health care.


8:30 am - 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
8:30 am - 4:30 pm


  • Surgery


感谢您选择位于韦斯特伍德的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校门诊手术中心进行您即将进行的手术或程序. 请仔细遵循这些重要的指导方针,并结合你的医生的指示. Your surgery may be postponed if these guidelines are not followed.

Download these instructions as a PDF in English or in Spanish (Español).

Pre-admission telephone confirmation

你的医生办公室会给你一个手术的初步安排时间. 手术前一个工作日(通常是下午3点之后),位于韦斯特伍德的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校流动手术中心的注册护士会联系你,并确认你的到达时间.

  • Please note that since changes may occur in scheduling, your confirmed surgery time may be different from the preliminary scheduled time. Please refrain from scheduling activities around your surgery, as the confirmed time may change from morning to afternoon, or vice versa.
  • 护士会告诉你何时停止饮食,并会询问你的病史和目前的药物情况.
  • If you have not received a call by 5 pm the day before your surgery, please call the UCLA Ambulatory Surgery Center in Westwood at (310) 794-1085.
  • If your surgery is on Monday, you will receive the phone call the preceding Friday.
  • You will have the opportunity to ask questions that you may have.
  • Please tell the nurse if you recently had or currently have a cold or fever. Anesthesia is not safe if you have recently had a cold or respiratory tract infection.
  • Please report any injuries, infection at surgical site, tooth infection, or other condition that may require postponement of your surgery.
  • Please let the nurse know if you will need wheelchair assistance.
  • A representative from Interpreter Services is available at no cost to you. 如果您需要翻译,请在入学前电话通知我们的工作人员,以便我们提前安排.

Preparing For Your Surgery

The following are general guidelines for preparing for your surgery. In addition, 请按照您的外科医生的指示,如果您有任何具体的问题,请询问您的外科医生或初级保健医生.

  • Two weeks prior to your surgery, stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen or any products that contain aspirin or ibuprofen, such as Advil or Motrin, unless specified by your surgeon, as these can cause prolonged bleeding. Ask your doctor about alternative medications you can use, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • Complete any tests that have been ordered by your doctor prior to your surgery. 检查结果需要在你的医生检查之前进行.
  • Bring all relevant medical records including imaging studies (ST, MRI or X-rays), lab results and EKG reports with you on the day of your surgery.
  • Please be sure to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after surgery. This does not include public transportation, a taxi driver or ridesharing services. 如果你在出院时没有一个负责任的成年人可以带你回家,你的手术将被取消.
  • 如果你安排了过夜,你将在第二天早上8点出院.

When to stop drinking and eating prior to surgery

Below are guidelines about eating and drinking prior to your surgery or procedure. Under anesthesia, you may vomit the contents of your stomach into your lungs, possibly causing pneumonia and even death. Please follow instructions from your surgeon in conjunction with these guidelines.

Instructions for adults:

  • Do not eat anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • Do not chew gum or eat candy or mints after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • 手术前一天午夜后不要吸烟,因为这会妨碍血液循环和呼吸.
  • 成人可以喝8盎司的清水或苹果汁,直到你指定的到达时间前2小时.

Instructions for infants and children:

Infants younger than 6 months:

  • May have breast milk or formula until 4 hours prior to your instructed arrival time.
  • 在规定的到达时间前2小时,是否可以饮用透明液体(清水或仅限Pedialyte).

Children older than 6 months and younger than 3 years of age:

  • May have solids until 8 hours prior to instructed arrival time.
  • May have breast milk or formula until 6 hours prior to instructed arrival time.
  • May have clear liquids (clear water, apple juice or Pedialyte ONLY) until 2 hours prior to instructed arrival time.

Children 3 years of age and older:

  • May have solids until 8 hours prior to instructed arrival time.
  • May have clear liquids (clear water, apple juice or Pedialyte ONLY) until 2 hours prior to instructed arrival time.

Medications and supplements

Please complete the Medication History Form and bring it with you to your scheduled surgery. When filling out your Medication History Form, please accurately note the dose and frequency of each medication and supplement.

Download the Medication History Form.

  • As previously noted, stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen or any products that contain aspirin or ibuprofen, such as Advil or Motrin, two weeks prior to your surgery unless specified by your surgeon.
  • 除非您的医生指示,否则请在手术前两周停止任何草药补充剂和鱼油.
  • 除非有指示,否则请继续按照医生的处方服药. Remember to only have a small sip of water with your medications. Do not take any medication less than two hours prior to your arrival time.

On the day of surgery

你的及时到来是很重要的,这样我们的工作人员就有足够的时间为你的手术做准备. If you foresee a problem arriving on time, please notify us as soon as possible by calling (310) 794-1106 or (310) 794-1085.

Please remember, your surgery may be cancelled if you:

  • Eat or drink anything after your specified time.
  • 到达接待处的时间晚于护士在入院前电话确认的到达时间
  • Have not arranged for transportation home with a responsible adult.
  • Have a cold, fever or any other condition that makes your surgery unsafe.


Parking is available in the parking garage at 200 UCLA Medical Plaza. There is a fee to park. The Ambulatory Surgery Center cannot validate parking or reimburse the parking fee.

Checking in

位于韦斯特伍德的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校门诊手术中心位于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗广场200号的彼得莫顿医疗大楼. 请乘电梯到6楼660套房办理手术登记.

  • When you check into the Ambulatory Surgery Center, the receptionist may ask you to fill out additional paperwork. At this time, any remaining financial concerns may be addressed.

Personal items and valuables

Please bring an ID, your cellular telephone, insurance cards and a minimal amount of cash or one credit card, which may be needed to pay for parking, purchasing medications or insurance co-payments.

  • We are unable to replace lost or misplaced personal items. Therefore, we recommend that you bring only essential items such as glasses, dentures, hearing aids, canes, walkers or wheelchairs to our facility.
  • If you wear contact lenses or glasses, you may be asked to remove them before surgery. Please bring a case for safekeeping.
  • Leave valuables such as jewelry including rings, watches, earrings and body piercings at home or with your family member. All jewelry must be removed prior to surgery.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and low-heeled shoes. Depending on your procedure, you may have bulky bandages that will require loose-fitting clothes when you go home.
  • Please refrain from wearing makeup and fingernail polish. Nail polish may interfere with monitoring equipment during your surgery.

Preoperative assessment

After checking in at the reception area, 你将被护送到预处理病房,护士会让你换上病号服,开始术前评估. 护士会问你相关的健康问题,这是一个完整的评估所必需的.

  • 麻醉师将与您讨论合适的麻醉选择并回答您的问题.
  • 在进入手术室之前,手术室护士和你的外科医生会和你确认手术的细节.
  • If you have not already done so, 您将被要求签署手术同意书和麻醉同意书.
  • 18岁以下的儿童和未成年人必须有父母或法定监护人在同意书上签字. If applicable, please bring proper documentation that you are the minor's legal guardian.
  • When the preoperative assessment is complete and all consents have been signed, 你将被护送进手术室你的手术团队,包括你的外科医生, anesthesiologist and surgical nurses—will stay with you throughout the procedure.

Accompanying family and friends

病人的护理需要要求我们限制前处理部允许的人数. Only one person is allowed to accompany you in the preoperative area. Minors may have two accompanying adults.

  • During your surgery, 所有家庭成员和朋友将被要求在接待区或家庭等候室等候.

Post-operative care

Following surgery, you will be transferred to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). In the PACU, you will be closely monitored as you recover from your anesthetic.

  • 你的外科医生或护士会让你在家庭候诊室等候的亲戚或朋友知道手术已经完成,并告诉他们什么时候可以探视你.
  • One person at a time is allowed to visit with you in the PACU area.
  • It is not recommended for small children to visit the PACU.
  • The length of stay in the PACU will depend on many factors, including pain control, comfort and instructions from your surgeon.
  • 如果你被安排过夜,你整晚都会被监视. The PACU cannot accommodate friends and family after 8 pm or overnight.

Discharge instructions

During your recovery time in the PACU, 你的护士会给你或你的家人书面指示,可能包括如何照顾你的手术部位, what to expect during your recovery and assistance with walking.

  • 一定要按照门诊手术中心护士给你的出院指示去做. This will ensure the best possible recovery from your surgery or procedure.
  • Please ask questions regarding your care at this time.
  • If medications are ordered, 他们可以在200 UCLA医疗广场4楼药房领取,药房位于门诊手术中心426套房下两层. You have the option to use a pharmacy of your choice.
  • Once it is determined by the surgical team that you are ready to go home, you will be able to get dressed and leave with a responsible adult.
UCLA ASC Surgery Pick-up Guide

Post-operative transportation

We require that you have a responsible adult available to accompany you home. This does not include public transportation, a taxi driver or other ridesharing services. 如果你在出院时没有一个负责任的成年人可以带你回家,你的手术将被取消.

  • 对于接受手术的儿童,我们建议有两个负责任的成年人陪着孩子回家.
  • Transportation should be arranged prior to your arrival to the facility.
  • Download our ASC pick-up guide for instructions on where to pick up your loved one after their surgery.


If you have any immediate concerns about your medical condition once you arrive home, such as fever, chills, severe nausea, vomiting, bleeding or severe pain, contact the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center page operator by calling (310) 825-6301 and pressing 1. The operator will help you contact your surgeon or the designated resident on call. If it is an emergency, dial 911 or report to the nearest emergency room.

  • The day after your surgery or procedure, 我们的护士会打电话给你,确保你在康复的过程中一切顺利. If your surgery was on a Friday, you should expect a call the following Monday morning.

Share your experience

Again, 感谢您选择位于韦斯特伍德的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校门诊手术中心进行您即将进行的手术. To help ensure that we are providing the best care possible, please provide us with some details about your experience. We value your feedback and want to hear from you.

  • In the weeks following your surgery, 你可能会收到一份来自Press Ganey的关于你在韦斯特伍德皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校门诊手术中心的经历的调查. Please complete the survey and use the provided postage-paid envelope to mail your response.
  • 还可以通过“分享您的经验”卡提供即时反馈,该卡可在韦斯特伍德皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校门诊手术中心的接待处和家庭候诊室获得. Please take a moment to let us know how we can continue to provide exceptional service. These cards can be returned to any feedback box located throughout UCLA Health locations, or mailed to the address provided on the back of the card.

Contact Information

UCLA Ambulatory Surgery Center in Westwood
Peter Morton Medical Building
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 660
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 794-1106 or (310) 794-1085
Map & directions >